The Magician of Lublin

$ 10.00

Author: Isaac Bashevis Singer
Publisher:  Bantam NY4087
Year: 1968 Print: 1 Cover Price: $.95
Condition: Very Good Plus. Not read
Genre:  Fiction/Classic
Pages: 201

 Set in nineteenth-century Poland, this novel tells the story of Yasha – a sword swallower, fire eater, acrobat and master of escape – famous for Houdini-like tricks. A free thinker with an observant Jewish wife at home and a woman in every town, his exploits catch up with him and he is tempted to make one final escape – from his marriage, his homeland, and his father's religious heritage. But his plans unravel and he instead seeks to lock himself up in a place that even he won't be able to escape – and to spend the rest of his days doing penitence.

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