The Blithedale Romance

$ 6.00

Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne
Publisher: Dolphin  C260
Year: 1961 Print: 1 Cover Price: $.95
Condition: Very Good. Light year
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 274

Set against the unconventional background of an experiment in communal living, THE BLITHEDALE ROMANCE, probes with incisive irony characters as vivid and extraordinary as ever sprang from Nathaniel Hawthorne's imagination. From the dark and passionate Zeobia to the supremely egotistical but emotionally impotent Hollingworth; from the evil, hypnotic Westervelt to the ambiguous and victimized Veiled Lady, the author spins into a web of intrigue and mystery all those who came to Blithedale in search of salvation and regeneration. Long neglected and underrated, THE BLITHEDALE ROMANCE is increasingly acknowledged a most rewarding and skillful literary accomplishment. It is the novel Henry James called "the lightest, the brightest, the liveliest" of Hawthorne's novels.

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