Indiana Jones and the Genesis Deluge


$ 35.00

Author: Rob MacGregor
Publisher: Bantam 0553295020
Year: 1992 Print: 1 Cover Price: $5.50
Condition: Near Fine. Not read
Genre: Fiction/Adventure
Pages: 289

London, 1927. Since losing his beloved in the Amazon a year ago, Indiana Jones has settled down with his Ph.D. and taught Celtic archaeology, thinking he has left adventure behind. Yet Indy is rather tempted when a wild-eyed Russian doctor, Vladimir Zobolotsky, tries to recruit him for an expedition to search for Noah’s Ark . . . and he finally takes up the dangerous quest after meeting Vladimir’s alluring daughter, Katrina.

They have set out for Istanbul and then Mount Ararat, the fabled location of Noah’s Ark, when trouble erupts. Kremlin agents, Sicilian “enforcers,” and Turkish bandits all attempt to bar Vladimir, Katrina, and Indiana Jones from the archaeological find of the century . . . and from a certain 950-year-old boatbuilder.

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