If A Body

$ 12.00

Author: George Worthing Yates

Publisher: Dell 159

Year: 1941 Print: 1 Cover Price: $

Condition: Very Good. Light wear

Genre:  Fiction/Mystery

Pages:  288

SKU: 80124113E

If A Body, first published in 1941, is a fast-paced murder mystery centered on the cross-country escape of Katheren Maynard and her sometime detective husband Hazlitt Woar. George Worthing Yates (1901-1975) was a prominent Hollywood screenwriter, mostly of science-fiction. From the dust-jacket: Katheren Maynard really had no ambition to marry either a private detective or a fugitive from justice. She married both in the form of Hazlitt Woar ... and anyone who took Woar acquired Caligula, his sad-eyed bulldog.

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