Warehouse 13 A Touch of Fever
70121048E$ 15.00
Author: Greg Cox
Publisher: Pocket 9780743491730
Year: 2011 Print: 1 Cover Price: $7.99
Condition: Near fine. Not read
Genre: Fiction/TV/Supernatural
Pages: 305
Hidden away in the Badlands of South Dakota, Warehouse 13 is a top-secret repository for historical artifacts imbued with dangerous supernatural properties. Secret Service agents Pete Lattimer and Myka Bering are ever on the lookout for loose artifacts threatening to ruin the worlds day. Their mission:Snag it, bag it, tag it.
Reports of a genuine psychic healer, along with a simultaneous epidemic of mysterious illnesses, lead Myka and Pete on a hazardous investigation that stretches from a carnival sideshow back to the bloody history of the Civil War. But when Pete is infected with a deadly disease, Myka and the rest of the team, including Artie Nielsen and Claudia Donovan, must track down a pair of cursed glovesbefore a madman unleashes a virulent plague upon America!