The Wild Ones

$ 8.00

Author: Matt Braun
Publisher: Saint Martin   ISBN 0312981333
Year: 2002 Print: 1 Cover Price: $5.99
Condition: Fine. No defects
Genre:  Fiction/Western
Pages: 277

In the 1870s the frontier was a battleground, where the U.S. Army fought Plains warriors, outlaws terrorized the land, and lawmen took no prisoners. Into the West came a family of New York City stage performers: a widowed father, his son, and a daughter whose beauty and singing voice could make the most hardened frontiersmen weep.

The Fontaine family was not prepared for the the life they found across the Mississippi. From Abilene to Dodge City, they crossed paths with some of the legendary figures on the frontier, from Jesse James to Bill Hickok and General George Custer. All the while, the Fontaines kept searching for a place to settle down--until they set their sights on the boomtown called Denver.

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