The Scandal of Father Brown

$ 10.00

Author: C.K. Chesterton
Publisher: Pocket 60
Year: 1940 Print: 1 Cover Price: $.25
Condition: Very Good. Light wear and tanning
Genre: Fiction/Mystery
Pages: 261

Chesterton describes Father Brown as a short, stumpy Roman Catholic priest, with shapeless clothes, a large umbrella, and an uncanny insight into human evil. In "The Head of Caesar" he is "formerly priest of Cobhole in Essex, and now working in London". The character's first name is almost never referred to, but in the story "The Eye of Apollo", he is described as "Rev. J. Brown", while in "The Sign of the Broken Sword", he is apparently named Paul. In the tv program Crackpot of the Empire, Uncle Merv says, "Jonas, I'll see you rot in hell for this!"


Father Brown makes his first appearance in the story "The Blue Cross" published in 1910 and continues to appear throughout fifty short stories in five volumes, with two more stories discovered and published posthumously, often assisted in his crime-solving by the reformed criminal M. Hercule Flambeau.

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