The Mysterious Island
90124164E$ 12.00
Author: Jules Verne
Publisher: Airmont CL77
Year: 1965 Print: 1 Cover Price: $1.00
Condition: Book Grades: Near fine. Like new
Genre: Science Fiction/Classic/Adventure
Pages: 312
SKU: 90124164E
"The Mysterious Island" is a novel by Jules Verne, published in 1874.
In the Mysterious Island Jules Verne offers to the lovers of the wonderful in literature his most elaborate, attractive, and instructive work. The escape of the voyagers from Richmond in their stolen balloon, and their wreck upon an Island in the Indian Ocean, are incidents in the career of Mr. Verne's heroes which have been made familiar to all readers of magazine literature; but the elaborately ingenious methods by which they wrested from this uninhabited island the means of subsistence, and the appliances through which they effected their deliverance, exhibit a wonderfully accurate knowledge of the capabilities of science. Briefly, the "Mysterious Island" is a new Robinson Crusoe, with all the modern improvements.