The Conduct of Sex

$ 60.00

Author: Lawrence Frank
Publisher: Grove BB52 Year: 1963 Print: 1 Cover Price: $0.60
Condition: Very Good
Genre: Adult NF

By the late '60's and '70's the sexual revolution had found its way into the lexicon and history of sex in the United States. Prior to that, early in 1961 Lawrence K. Frank, a social scientist of some note, examined the idea that the then current acceptable (traditional, Western, mostly Judaeo-Christian) moral code was not only losing influence, but with the rapidly changing social structure, did not really apply to the modern concept of families and their diversity. The author goes on to explore many concepts about sex and its place in society, human fertility, how human sexuality is differentiated from other living systems. He also touched on the complex problems women face in their new autonomy in sexual practices. He drew sharp contrasts between moral and ethical conduct. Mr. Frank did an outstanding job of describing the dilemmas of sexual disconnect as he understood it. He postulated an ethic which sexually supports the worth of the individual and to recognize all human dignity. At the time, there was some disagreement with his analysis of traditional morality and his suggestions of new style of creative relationships were very controversial. Remarkably with the passage of more than 50 years, the accuracy of Mr. Frank's comments are astonishing.

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