The Broken Vase

$ 8.00

Author: Rex Stout
Publisher: Pyramid R 1771
Year: 1968 Print: 2 Cover Price: $.50
Condition: Very Good. Light wear and tanning.
Genre: Fiction/Mystery
Pages: 159


British Mystery, After a disastrous debut in Carnegie Hall, Jan Tusar walked off the concert stage, put down his violin, wrote a note, and put a bullet through his head -- in front of witnesses. Then Tusar's violin disappeared and dective Tecumseh Fox kenw it had to be murder. Fox had all the suspects on hand, but the clues were leading his nowhere...until a stolen Chinese vase was returned by parcel post and a Park Avenue playboy was poisoned in the company of eight witnesses! It was the most damnable and devilish case for Fox had ever met, and he was ven more determined to solve it when he almost become a corpse!


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