Six Guns and Double Eagles

$ 3.00

Author: Ralph Compton
Publisher: Signet   ISBN 9780451193315
Year: 1998 Print: 1 Cover Price: $5.99
Condition: Very Good Plus  Light wear
Genre:  Fiction/Western
Pages: 347

 Two young gunslingers ride into the heart of evil in this Ralph Compton western.

Nathan Stone was a legendary gunfighter who did everything he could to be a father—while still following his own violent trail of honor. Now Wes Stone, barely eighteen, but full of the hard wisdom of the West, is being drawn into the kind of fight that cost his father his life.

A secret organization of criminals is replacing freshly minted gold with counterfeit coins, threatening to plunge the growing nation into crisis. Called upon to penetrate this conspiracy that reaches from New Orleans to California, Wes and his fellow warrior, El Lobo, find themselves targeted by hired killers with a deadly plan of their own...

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