Patterns of Culture

$ 6.00

Author: Ruth Benedict

Publisher: Mentor MD89

Year: 1955 Print: 12 Cover Price: $.50

Condition: Very good. Light wear.

Genre:  Non Fiction/Sociology/Anthropology

Pages:  272

SKU: 80124018E

An anthropologist compares three diverse societies in this groundbreaking, “unique and important” cultural study (The New York Times).
A remarkable introduction to cultural studies, Patterns of Culture made history in exploring the role of culture in shaping our lives. In it, the renowned anthropologist Ruth Benedict offers an in-depth look at three societies—the Zuñi of the southwestern United States, the Kwakiutl of western Canada, and the Dobuans of Melanesia—and demonstrates the diversity of behaviors in them.
Benedict’s groundbreaking study shows that a unique configuration of traits defines each human culture and she examines the relationship between culture and the individual. Featuring prefatory remarks by Franz Boas, Margaret Mead, and Louise Lamphere, who calls it “a foundational text in teaching us the value of diversity,” this provocative work ultimately explores what it means to be human.
“That today the modern world is on such easy terms with the concept of culture . . . is in very great part due to this book.” —Margaret Mead

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