Lady Chatterley's Lover


$ 5.00

Author: D.H. Lawrence
Publisher: Signet D1736
Year: 1959 Print: 5 Cover Price: $0.50
Condition: Good Plus. Cover wear. Solid
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 5283

Lyric and sensual, D.H. Lawrence's last novel is one of the major works of fiction of the twentieth century. Filled with scenes of intimate beauty, explores the emotions of a lonely woman trapped in a sterile marriage and her growing love for the robust gamekeeper of her husband's estate. The most controversial of Lawrence's books, Lady Chatterly's Lover joyously affirms the author's vision of individual regeneration through sexual love. The book's power, complexity, and psychological intricacy make this a completely original work--a triumph of passion, an erotic celebration of life.

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