Cimarron Jordan

$ 3.00

Author: Matt Braun
Publisher: Saint Martin   ISBN 0312958420
Year: 1996 Print: 1 Cover Price: $5.99
Condition: Very Good. Light wear. Reading crease
Genre:  Fiction/Western
Pages: 326

Cimarron Jordan

From Abilene to the Smoky Hill country, they fought and hunted side by side before going their separate ways. Cimarron Jordan would go on to build a town in Texas, carve a trail to Kansas, and battle the Comanche in the Staked Plains. Virge Hollister, meanwhile, made his career with a badge and a gun. Now, on the streets of Dodge City, the two legends of the fierce plains are about to come face-to-face again…as the deadliest of enemies.


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