Cimarron Jordan

$ 3.00

Author: Matt Braun
Publisher: Saint Martin   ISBN 0312958420
Year: 1996 Print: 1 Cover Price: $5.99
Condition: Very Good. Light wear. Reading crease
Genre:  Fiction/Western
Pages: 326

The Old West comes vividly to life in two novels from Matt Braun―America’s authentic voice of the Western Frontier

Cimarron Jordan

From Abilene to the Smoky Hill country, they fought and hunted side by side before going their separate ways. Cimarron Jordan would go on to build a town in Texas, carve a trail to Kansas, and battle the Comanche in the Staked Plains. Virge Hollister, meanwhile, made his career with a badge and a gun. Now, on the streets of Dodge City, the two legends of the fierce plains are about to come face-to-face again…as the deadliest of enemies.

El Paso

It’s 1881. El Paso is a booming border town crawling with corrupt politicians and gunslick outlaws―and it’s about to face its greatest challenge yet: the savagery of the notorious Banning Brothers. Dallas Stoudenmire is the marshal El Paso has hired to bring a quick end to the Bannings’ reign of terror. Now the former Texas Ranger must rely on nerves and a quick gun to bring swift justice to a desperate town―and save his own life.


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