

$ 20.00

Author: Thomas Mann

Publisher: Cardinal C60

Year: 1952 Print: 1 Cover Price: $.50

Condition: Fine. Like new

Genre:  Fiction/Novel

Pages:  644

SKU: 80124080E

A Significant Literary Event: the publication of Thomas Mann's first great work, one of the two for which he received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1929, in a stunning new translation.A Significant Literary Event: the publication of Thomas Mann's first great work, one of the two for which he received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1929, in a stunning new translation.

The story of four generations of a prosperous bourgeois family in northern Germany is told in Buddenbrooks, a modern classic of literature that was first published in Germany in 1900 when Mann was just 25 years old. Mann paints a complete picture of middle-class life, including births and christenings, marriages, divorces, and deaths, as well as accomplishments and disappointments. These everyday happenings, while fundamentally the same, change a little with each new generation. But as the Buddenbrooks family eventually gives in to modernity's seductions—seductions at odds with its own traditions—their demise becomes inevitable.

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