The White Chip

$ 3.00

Author: Nelson C. Nye
Publisher: Leisure   ISBN 0843944730
Year: 2009 Print: 1 Cover Price: $5.99
Condition: Near Fine   Light wear
Genre:  Fiction/Western
Pages: 278

The Lost Dutchman was the most fabled gold mine of the Old West. Since Jacob Walzer struck gold in the Superstition Mountains of southwestern Arizona, hundreds of hopefuls had risked everything to comb the deadly mountains for it—and many never came back. Finally an unlikely caravan made up of a banker, a seasoned miner, two merchants, a butcher, and a smuggler found the exhausted mine—and a cleverly sealed-off entrance to its rich lode. The dizzying wealth was theirs for the taking. If they could retrieve it from the middle of an active volcano.

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