To Hell-And Texas

$ 4.00

Author: Giles A. Lutz
Publisher: Fawcett k1542
Year: 1956 Print: 1 Cover Price: $.40
Condition: Very Good. Light wear. 
Genre: Fiction/Western
Pages: 160

West the wagons thundered, always west, urged on, whipped on though a savage land by the relentless rider with distant fire in his eyes. Out there lay Texas--an empire for a man with guts enough to wrest it from bandits, murders and hostile tribes. A man like O'Shaughnessy. He was tough and dedicated and he believed in his dream - of this hell-zone of Texas grown rich and lawful, and himself as the ruler weldng it to poser. West, always west, he drove the wagon train, big Nelson O'Shaughnessy, in search of great adventure - and the woman with the answering flame to share it with him!

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