The Removal

$ 2.00

Author: Warren Patabendi
Publisher: 399Novel  9674608
Year: 1999 Print: 1 Cover Price: $
Condition: Very Good Plus. Light wear
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 273

The Removal is a harrowing story of deception, danger, and derangement. When Jim Finch decides to take matters into his own hands, it's difficult to determine where the madness begins. When does wrong become right -- if ever?

Patabendi has a way with fear. Even in the seemingly innocuous first scene there is a chill and a hint of the outrage to come. Never is there a moment to relax; the tension is powerful throughout the book. There is a bit of unravelling in the closing pages, some leaps of faith we are asked to make, but nothing that shatters the icy hold of the story.

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