The Big Jump

$ 6.00

Author: Leigh Brackett
Publisher: Ace 6061
Year: 1976 Print: 1 Cover Price: $1.50
Condition: Very Good. Light wear and tanning
Genre: Science Fiction 
Cover by 
Pages:  148

What awaits us out in space? New star-drive engines promise to open up the galaxy to human-kind. But the first ship to use the engines disappears and a sole survivor returns…alone and dying of some strange type of radiation.No one can figure out what has happened to the ship or the crew. Nor does anyone know what happens to a ship travelling using star-drive technology.Does some unknown horror await us out there?The only way to find out is to go out again. And Arch Comyn is determined to be the one to solve the mystery. But is he, and the rest of mankind, ready for whatever awaits us beyond the Big Jump?



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