Star Bridge

$ 6.00

Author: Jack Williamson
Publisher: Berkely 3294
Year: 1977 Print: 1 Cover Price: $1.50
Condition: Very Good Plus. Not read
Genre: Science Fiction
Pages: 213

The galaxy's inhabited planets are held together by the repressive Eron Company, the apparent holder of the secret to faster-than-light travel through the Tubes, the network linking the scattered worlds together. Mysterious parties have hired the adventurer Horn to assassinate the company's general manager, Garth Kohlnar. The subject of a massive manhunt, he encounters Wendre Kohlnar, the general manager's daughter and possible heir to the empire.

Escaping through a transdimensional Tube, Horn finds himself on the planet Eron, a world consumed by the Eron Company. There he encounters a corrupt aristocracy, a brewing power struggle, a covert revolution, and the mystery of who actually knows the secret of the Tubes.

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