Spirit Communication for the millions

$ 18.00

Author: Doris Heather Buckley
Publisher: Dell 8192
Year: 1969 Print: 1 Cover Price: $.50
Condition: Very Good  Light wear. 
Genre: Non Fiction/Occult
Pages: 159

The amazing story of one woman's ability to make actual contact with spirits, discarnate bodies, and other entities who have "crossed over" into another world. Filled with the accounts of beings who may be dead without realizing it, beings with malevolent purposes, spirit teachers, spirit guides, and living entities who are contacted while on astral flight. This is an inspiring story of how the author was actually selected by advanced spirit masters to teach confused souls. Contains information on how to make contacts with spirits and engage in psychical rescue work. An unorthodox but valid approach to contact with beings who once lived as humans, and now inhabit other spheres.

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