Six of Swords

$ 3.00

Author: Carole Nelson Douglas
Publisher: Ballantine 31810
Year: 1984 Print: 7 Cover Price: $02.95
Condition: Very Good. Cover crease
Genre: Fiction/Fantsay
Pages: 296

Irissa, a young witch, finds herself abandoned by her people, and stranded on a dying planet with a young resentful knight, and a sarcastic old cat (who is magical, of course!). As she searches for a gate to the world her people have escaped to, she learns to control the magic inside of her, and at the same time coming into her own as a woman. As she and the knight learn to trust each other, they soon realize there are few others to depend on. In the end Irissa must choose between her relationship with Kendric -- the rough, but endearing knight -- and her people in the new world.

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