Jury of Six

$ 4.00

Author: Matt Braun
Publisher: Saint Martin   ISBN 0312981767
Year: 2002 Print: 1 Cover Price: $5.99
Condition: Near Fine.  Light wear
Genre:  Fiction/Western
Pages: 234

In a land of death and corruption

Texas rancher Ben Langham left his sprawling inheritance to the man he trusted most: Luke Starbuck. Once Starbuck had dreamed of having land of his own. Now he dreams of finding the man who gunned down Langham―and bringing him to justice.

One man found a calling of his own…

With the Cattlemen's Association behind him, Starbuck has all the authority he needs to ride into New Mexico on the path of a murderous band of thieves. But he didn't count on coming face to face with a scrawny killer named William "the Kid" Bonney, a shifty sheriff named Pat Garrett, or the true story behind the legendary Lincoln County War. Suddenly, Luke Starbuck finds himself dead center in a powerful conspiracy―and heading straight into the line of fire…


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